Forum's Flagship Fund Targeting current income with long-term appreciation Our Flagship fund, Forum Multifamily Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. (“FMREIT” or “Fund”), seeks to invest in institutional-quality multifamily apartments located in high-growth markets throughout the U.S., through acquisition, development and lending. FMREIT is a 100% multifamily sector focused REIT. Close "Institutional-quality multifamily apartments" refer to residential properties that meet the investment, operational, and structural standards typically required by institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, or endowments. Although FMREIT intends to focus its investment activities on multifamily apartments, its charter and bylaws do not preclude it from investing in other types of commercial property or real estate-related debt.
"Institutional-quality multifamily apartments" refer to residential properties that meet the investment, operational, and structural standards typically required by institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, or endowments. Although FMREIT intends to focus its investment activities on multifamily apartments, its charter and bylaws do not preclude it from investing in other types of commercial property or real estate-related debt.
Gross Asset Value Close Gross asset value is the fair value of the properties as determined by FMREIT’s independent valuation advisor plus the value of any other assets based on unaudited financial statements as of the date herein. $769.8M
Gross asset value is the fair value of the properties as determined by FMREIT’s independent valuation advisor plus the value of any other assets based on unaudited financial statements as of the date herein.
Net Asset Value Close Net asset value (“NAV”) is calculated in accordance with the valuation guidelines approved by FMREIT’s board of directors. NAV is not a measure used under generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) in the U.S. and the valuations of and certain adjustments made to our assets and liabilities used in the determination of NAV will differ from GAAP. You should not consider NAV to be equivalent to stockholders’ equity or any other GAAP measure. For information on how FMREIT calculates NAV, please contact investor relations. $377.8M
Net asset value (“NAV”) is calculated in accordance with the valuation guidelines approved by FMREIT’s board of directors. NAV is not a measure used under generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) in the U.S. and the valuations of and certain adjustments made to our assets and liabilities used in the determination of NAV will differ from GAAP. You should not consider NAV to be equivalent to stockholders’ equity or any other GAAP measure. For information on how FMREIT calculates NAV, please contact investor relations.
Leverage Close Reflects outstanding principal balances on secured and unsecured debt, excluding any third-party interests in debt, as a percentage of gross asset value as of the date herein. The leverage does not reflect the market value adjustment of the debt that is included in the NAV calculation. 53.1%
Reflects outstanding principal balances on secured and unsecured debt, excluding any third-party interests in debt, as a percentage of gross asset value as of the date herein. The leverage does not reflect the market value adjustment of the debt that is included in the NAV calculation.
Source: Freddie Mac, Census, HUD, YardiMatrix, data through 9/30/2024. Mortgage payment assumes 90% LTV.
Although the Fund intends to focus its investment activities in multifamily apartments, its charter and bylaws do not preclude it from investing in other types of commercial property or real estate-related debt.
Featured Resource: Forum Multifamily Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. | Q4 2024 Update Listen to our Portfolio Manager, Jay Miller, talk about the fund's performance and his perspective on the market. Watch Now